Monday, June 27, 2016


Week 22

Hellllooo. Its me. πŸ˜‰


A few days ago a 17 year old girl in our ward said she went to watch a scary movie in the theaters and after was afraid of having nightmares.... Before going to bed she asked Heavenly Father to watch over her dreams so she wouldnt dream of anything that was in the movie. That night she had a dream about me and the temple. hahahahahha so moral of the story is I am an angelπŸ˜‰  

Also this week at  7 o´clock in the morning our zone leaders called us and said, ´´HERMANAS WE HAVE AN EMERGENCY AND ARE OUTSIDE OF YOUR HOUSE RIGHT NOW´´  We rushed out in a panic and when we opened the door, the elders were standing there with donuts and chocolate milk, and one of the Elders said, ´´Its that we have this breakfast and we dont know what to do with it´´ πŸ˜‚ Basically I have the best zone leaders in the whole mission πŸ˜Š 

Another thing that just made me smile happened while teaching a lesson. We went to say the opening prayer and my companion asked what the investigators wanted us to ask for in the prayer. The mom said health and the dad said to pray he can find work. As we all closed our eyes, their five year old son said, ´´and for me, FRENCH FRIES´´ ahhh it was so adorable and we all just busted up laughing. 

And on the subject of french fries... this week Hermana Santos celebrated her mission birthdayπŸŽ‰πŸŽˆ one year in the mission. We all ate pizza in the church to celebrate and it was wonderful. I am sending pictures. Happy Mission Birthday Hermana Santos. 

I GOT MY EARS PIERCED AND IT WAS THE SCARIEST THING OF MY WHOLE LIFE. For those of you who dont know I have never had earings before and have always been to afraid to actually do it... So after nineteen years and a lot of convincing from my companion and other members... this morning I finally got my ears pierced πŸ˜¨ I am sending pictures of the man with the gun and everything. AND we rode the train today. You could say its been an eventful Pday. 

As for the work here in Pavas... I absolutely love it here in Pavas. Everyone says its the most dangerous part of Costa Rica and I wont lie and say I havent seen a lot of policemen and drug busts... but the people here are constantly amazing me and I have so much love for each and every one of them. We are teaching the best family and I am just praying I dont have transfers before seeing them be baptized. I say it every week but geez I am grateful I am here😊 today is my five month anniversary... five months of ups and downs, success and failure, tears and laughs... but experiences I wouldnt trade for anything  πŸŽ‰πŸŽˆ 

Love you all so much and just know you are all in my prayers. Have a wonderful week friends πŸ˜Š
Hermana Bass



Week 21

Okay usually I always start with the really gross stuff first and boy do I have a great story for y´all this week. πŸ˜‚ I probably had one of the worst experiences of my whole life but also one of the funniest.

We were in a lesson teaching a girl who is about 25 years old. During the lesson there were mice running all over the house, by our feet, and eating the food on the table. So I was already grossed out... THEN towards the end of the lesson about 10 cockroaches all started crawling out of the walls.. Now let me just say I was holding it together pretty good at this point... and even though they were getting closer to me,  I controlled myself and kept teaching. That is until they all started flying. One flew straight for my face and another flew straight into the hair of the investigator. All three of us jumped out of our seats into the middle of the room, all screaming and holding on to each other. They stopped flying around the room and we stood in the middle in silence for about ten seconds, all traces of the cockroaches gone. UNTIL the investigator screams, ´´ITS ON MY ARM´´ and then started the screaming all over again. Now during this time my dear companion kept trying to teach her... Now im not entirely sure how to help you all visualize this but here is my best try: 

WE NEED TO HAVE FAITH *swat *scream YOU CAN CHANGE *squish JESUS *swat *scream 

hahahahah oh geez I have never laughed so hard in my whole life. Me, the investigator, and my companion had tears streaming down our faces and its an experience I am never going to forget. In fact, I think I am a bit tramautized. πŸ˜‚ 

But a part from that experience it was a great week! Once a month we have something called Week of Miracles. During week of miracles all of the missionaries in each zone gather together  in a different city each day and find new people. So this week I was in Don Bosco, Hatillo, Alejuelita, and lastly here in Pavas! And folks I definitely saw miracles this week! While in Alejuelita I was on splits with a member and as we were walking down the street, a woman with a 20 day old baby came up to us. She told us she had left her house hoping to find someone who could offer a prayer for her baby and we just happened to be right there! She cried as she told us her problems and as we talked about how Jesus Christ has seen her struggle and knows her pain. 

Later in Don Bosco I was on splits with a different sister missionary and we knocked on the door of an older woman. She let us in and we sang the hymn, ´´I need thee every hour´´ While we sang, she cried and told us that she never opens the door for people but felt like she needed to this time... and that we had answered her prayer that day. Her grandchild had recently died and when we told her that we believe children dont need to be baptized before the age of 8, she covered her face in her hands and cried. 

I saw miracles this week folks. And even though I probably wont see any of these people again, I am infinitely grateful for the small role I was able to play, and that I could be an instrument in God´s hands! I dont believe in coincidences folks and I hope you dont either! 

But all in all this week was the most tiring and most fulfilling. I didnt go a single day without coming home completely dead tired but completely grateful for the opportunity to be serving a mission πŸ˜Š 

*Saturday night all of the missionaries in our zone sang our Mission Hymn for Stake Conference, Adult session. The spirit was so strong! Also that reminds me... while in Don Bosco for Stake Conference the rain was so hard that water started pouring in from the ceiling and the Sunday Session was moved to Pavas... We dont know whats going to happen to the church in Don Bosco. πŸ˜―

*All of the missionaries in our zone also stood up together on the bus and sang hymns for the people. It was a super cool experience. #ILoveMyZone 

*We found a man about two days ago in Pavas... talked to him for about twenty minutes and on Sunday he came to church all on his own! Ahhh we were so surprised but so happy! 

Also I just want to say how grateful I am for my mission president. He is amazing and I dont talk about him as much as I should. He´s great. 
And I think thats all I have for ya´ll this week... Have a wonderful week! Love you all! 
Hermana Bass

1. Me and my companion! 
2. Pics of my favorite little kids here in Pavas! They are adorable


Week 20

Ahhh this week I learned how much it actually rains here in Costa Rica... Last monday the rain was so hard that our power went out! That same day the new missionaries flew in from Guatemala and since our house is close to the mission office, one of the sister missionaries stayed with us for two days. Her first experience in the mission field was us huddled over a candle trying to plan for the next day πŸ˜‚ We didnt get power back for a solid three days. I love the rain.😊


Also while I was in the MTC, my mom stalked the blog of an Elder that is serving in Costa Rica... and she kept asking me if I had seen the Elder or not since coming to Costa Rica... So here is a pic of me, the famous Elder Stott and my wonderful companion, Hermana Santos. Your welcome mom! πŸ˜‚ Also that reminds me... I found a scripture for all you moms out there... I was reading and came to the scripture in Proverbs 23:13. Good advice for parents.
naw im just kidding. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‰ hahaha

On a more serious note... me and my companion had an interesting experience this week. It was night-time and we were out contacting with a member named Rebeca. We prayed about where we were supposed to go and I felt like we needed to visit an investigator named Mariaella. Mariaella lives in the very back of an alleyway and because it was night-time, it was a very dark alleyway. πŸ˜‚ At the very end of the alleyway there were some rickety old stairs and at the top of the stairs, two doors. One is Mariaella´s house and the other is another apartment. It was definitely the perfect scene for a scary movie. πŸ˜‚ 

But anyway... we knocked on her door and no one answered... and as we were waiting, the other door at the top of the stairs opened. It was a young man and we awkwardly told him that we were waiting for Marianella. He shut the door and after waiting a bit more we left the alleyway. I was super confused why I felt we needed to visit Mariaella when she wasnt even home! So we prayed again and all felt like we needed to return the house and that maybe it was the young man that we needed to talk to. So we headed back for the alleyway AGAIN. This time feeling really awkward. We went up the stairs and knocked on the second door... and no one answered. we headed back out of the alleyway more confused than awkward... Why were we supposed to be in this alleyway? But as we were leaving we heard a voice say, ´´Hola!´´ So we turned around and a girl was sitting with her friend against the wall. Because of the darkness we couldnt see them at all. My companion instantly said, ´´Hola! whats your name?´´ And the girl replied, ´´I know you, Hermanas!´´ She shone a light on her face but I still didnt recognize her. After talking some more she told us she had listened to the other sister missionaries before I came to Pavas, had seen us walking in the streets, and  even had a friend who was a member. We invited her to church and have plans to visit her this week and teach her more. I have no idea what is going to happen  but I know that we were sent to her for some reason unknown to me! It taught me a very valuable lesson that most of the time we cant see the whole picture or the plan that Heavenly Father has for us... Sometimes  we may not understand why things happen.... And sometimes we have to go forward with faith. We have to trust that he knows what is best for us and he has a plan that is infinitely better than the plan we have ourselves. I love the scripture in Proverbs that says, 

 Trust in the Lord with all thy heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him and he shall direct thy paths. ❤

I know I say this every week as well... but I love being a missionary. I love seeing people change and grow closer to Christ and I love seeing the change in myself. I know that if you put your trust in him... your WHOLE HEART... He will direct you and guide you. 

Love you all! I gotta go because we are going to play ping pong with the Elders today! You could say im pretty excited about it. πŸ˜‰
Hermana Bass



Week 19

Geez I know I say this in every email but the weeks are flying by... I cant believe its already Pday! And today we ate cosco pizza with the Elders so you could say its been a great day.

But anyways. This week I found out cockroaches can fly. That was pretty horrible. We were in the middle of a lesson and all the sudden the five year old daughter starts screaming and we all look up and there is this GIANT cockroach right above us on the ceiling. I was pretty chill about the whole thing UNTIL IT STARTED FLYING STRAIGHT FOR MY HEAD. Lets just say there was lots of screaming. 

Also for those of you who speak Spanish... 

I was in a lesson and I wanted to say, 

´´La Iglesia de Jesucristo tiene cinco bases´´


´´La iglesia de Jesucristo tiene cinco besos´´ πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ 

They converted right then and there πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚

And another thing that just made me giggle happened yesterday in church. This huge, bald, black man wearing street clothes got up to bear his testimony... I turned to my companion and said, ´´Who is that? Ive never seen him before´´ and then she looks at me, and says ´´Michael Jordan?´´ in her Panama accent... 

hahah Im not quite sure if that was a ´´had to be there moment´´ but oh geez I could not stop laughing. Hermana Santos is so great. I just love her so much! And its pretty hilarious when she introduces herself as Hermana Santos de los santos de los ΓΊltimos dias πŸ˜‚

And right now we are teaching a man named Joaquin... He is 80 years old and in the words of the Costa Ricans... super tuanis. πŸ˜‚ This week we helped him throw out all of his alcohol and he came to church for the third time (cane and all) #Escogido

I am constantly amazed at all of the wonderful people here. And I love you all so much and miss you all like crazy.... but just so you all know I am never coming homeπŸ˜‰
Until next week!

Hermana Bass



Week 18

Well friends I have officially ended my training here in the mission field and my mommy left for a different area! Pray for me as I try to guide my new companion around Pavas πŸ˜‚ Her name is Hermana Santos and is from Panama! I am sending a picture but please dont judge my face... I took this about an hour ago and oh geez I only have one word for you. Feo. πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚ I am super excited for what I am going to learn from her. I am also sending one last pic of me and my old companion and a picture of mi mejor amiga Noemi... she´s adorable.

But other than transfers not much happened.... I cant believe I have already been gone for  months... Dont take a single moment for granted because holy cow time flies. 

Love you all❤ 
Hermana Bass

I´ve Got A Few Stories For Y´all This Week

Week 17

 Hola friends and family! I´ve got a few stories for y´all this week. But first.


Primero. There is ash EVERYWHERE from the volcano which is about 2 hours away from my area. There was ash in all the houses and in the streets and I found it pretty horrible that I was breathing the stuff in all day! haha. Ive seen a bunch of people with those face masks on and I havent gone a day without ash all over my legs and feet. Its pretty great. 

Second. A family we visit all the time just realized they all have lice... So thats fun. Pray it didnt spread πŸ˜‚

Third. I walked into our bedroom to find my companion sitting crossed legged with a little campfire going on the floor... inside the house..... yep that was fun. She´s an interesting human being. 

Fourth. An old man came up to me and said I was going to marry him.... I politely said no and he got angry, and as he walked away yelled, ''¨WE'LL SEE ABOUT THAT''  hahahahah I have no words for that experience πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Fifth. A member invited us missionaries over for lunch and we were helping her cook the food... She was super excited about this salsa stuff made from basil in her garden. Right before she blended it all together I saw a gigantic spider in the blender... But before I could say anything she blended it.😨 And folks... ahhhh... she was so excited about this salsa that I just couldnt say anything hahhahaha. So yeah I ate spider for the first time.... as well as all of the missionaries πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

And you should know... this week was probably the hardest week of my mission so far! But its amazing to me how close you get to God in the difficult times! I just hope we all remember that he wants to be a part of our lives in the good moments too! And even though this week was hard, I had so many moments where I was reminded of God´s love and tender mercies! 

The first was a few nights ago. It was dark out and you couldn´t see because it was raining so hard. We went to cross the street and this man came up and held his umbrella over us as we crossed the street. When we got to the other side, he held out his umbrella for me to take. I hesitantly said, ''Sir, you need this umbrella more than we do.'' But he shook his head and put the umbrella in my hand, saying ''No. You are angels sent from God, and I know if I give you this umbrella He will bless me and help me. Please pray that I can stop drinking''   We prayed for Edgar that night and I was reminded that God puts people in our path for a reason. 

I was also reminded of how there are so many good people in the world. We were riding the bus and there were a million people! Every seat was filled and there was hardly any space in the aisle. We shuffled on and a man, noticing all of the things I was carrying, instantly got up and gave me his seat. It was something so small and insignificant, but it meant the world to me! It was just a reminder that there may be hard moments... but there is always a silver lining! 

Another experience on the bus (#ILoveTheBus) taught me that sometimes the best solution to a problem is to forget about yourself. A few days ago I was sitting next to an older man who was holding flowers. I asked him who the flowers were for and he told me he was on his way to the cemetary and the flowers were for his wife who passed away a few months ealier. I told him we were missionaries and that it wasnt a coincidence that we were sitting next to each other. And as I listened to his story and his life, my own problems and concerns seemed to melt away. Sometimes to find yourself, you have to lose yourself. Lose yourself in the service of others! For when you are in the service of your fellow beings, you are only in the service of your God! 

Love you all so much! Keep me and the people here in your prayers! 
Hermana Bass 

Also.. I dont have pics this week because Elder Dunyon has my SD card for another hour.... Sorry mom! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜˜