Wednesday, July 26, 2017


Well folks this is the last email that I'll be sending out to you.... next week I wont have much time to write and this is my last full week as a full time missionary. Its been an amazing experience. There have been good days and hard days... days where I felt like turning back and days where I couldnt even contain my joy! And as I look back over the past 18 months, I am so grateful for the people I have met and ALL of the experiences I have had. I really have come to know my Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ. I have learned what it means to be a TRUE disciple of Him. It means we are willing (to a small portion) to feel what he felt, love as he loved, pray as he prayed, and be (or try to be) who he was. And folks... I feel closer to Him than I have ever felt before. I walked into the MTC terrified, nervous, and a little doubtful... However, I am coming home with a sure knowledge that HE LIVES. I am coming home with a sure knowledge of who I am and who I can become. These past 18 months havent been the best 18 months of my life... they've been the best 18 months FOR my life... And I have no idea where I would be if I hadnt made the decision to go on a mission.

This week I have also been thinking a lot about clay. Why clay?? haha! because a potter puts the gray lump of clay onto the wheel and molds it into something beautiful... Heavenly Father is the potter and we all have to be willing to be molded... We have to be willing to change and become the person that He knows we can become. Here in Costa Rica, I have seen people change their lives... I have seen the joy that comes when we let Him mold us into better people. I have seen it with the people here, and in myself. I love this Gospel and I love being a missionary... And I cant believe its almost over๐Ÿ˜ข But I will never forget the experiences I have had here in the best mission ever!! #CostaRicaSanJoseOESTE
In the words of President Laboriel......

love you all and see you NEXT WEEK!! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ˜ญ❤๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜
for the last time... y con mucho amor,
Hermana Bass❤
1. So here in guanacaste you can buy fresh coconut milk in the streets ❤
2. Roasting marshmellows for family home evening!!

IM COMING HOME FOLKS! ๐Ÿ˜ญ❤๐Ÿ˜ฎ๐ŸŽ‰๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Here´s some last pictures so you can see my face! 
1. My zone decided to throw a surprise going away party! #ZONALIBERIA 
2. Here is a nice pรญcture of me and the gomez family saying our last goodbyes! If it looks like we were crying, thats because we were! ๐Ÿ˜ญ
3.MORE GOODBYES... I love these people.


Well this week was pretty good! We spent the week in the bus, traveling around and teaching in zone meetings and going on splits with the sisters. We like to say we are the sister traveling leaders๐Ÿ˜‚ this week I also had my last interview with Presidente Laboriel ๐Ÿ˜ญ He gave me a whole bunch of great advice... and I just continue to talk about how great he is! ahhh geezo I just love my mission president! Also had my last zone meeting.. and last testimony ๐Ÿ˜ญ oh my goodness i have watched so many other people head in for their last interview and give their last testimony and this week it was my turn and its so weird! It doesnt feel real..... and trust me... its definitely bitter sweet. ๐Ÿ˜ข
As for the work here... we are still hoping that Ana and Miguel can be married and baptized before I have to get on the plane! hahah She has got some problems with her papers but we have been working so hard so that she can go to Nicaragua and get everything figured out. We have seen so many miracles here❤ Yesterday Ana invited us to her birthday party... we ended up going and when the party was over we asked if we could share a message with them. There were about 10 or 11 people that were all different religions. We sang a himn, said a prayer, and shared a message, and invited every single one of them to be baptized! It was pretty crazy... I kinda felt like Samuel the Lamanite again ๐Ÿ˜‚ But almost all of them said they were interested and wanted to know more and they almost all of them said they would like to! The Costa Rican, Guanacaste people are so humble and willing to listen๐Ÿ‘❤ I love them.
But thats all I got for you folks! Hope you had a great week!
Hermana Bass

1. Cooking pinto for pday! With Yajaira!
2. Selfi with Giddinia and Sammy!
3. Two future sister missionaries... we love these girls



HELLO! This week was a good one. I officially have 17 months here in the mission! #Vieja Cant believe how fast time has gone! This week we had leadership council and I had to give my last testimony.... also I got to see my amiga from the MTC, Hermana Farber! But leadership council was amazing and we were blessed to hear from our awesome mission president! Folks I have the best mission president ... without a doubt. This week he taught us to ´´SER GRANDE´´or to BE GREAT! To live up to our potential... be great missionaries, fathers, mothers, leaders, workers, husbands, wives... etc. President Laboriel is so amazing and I am so grateful for everything he has taught me these past 17 months. I have thought many times why I called specifically to the Costa Rica San Jose West Mission... but now I know its because I needed President Laboriel as my mission president! I needed to learn all of the lessons he has taught me. If there is one thing I have learned here its that Heavenly Father knows us personally... and he knows exactly what we need. 

Other than leadership council we visited a whole bunch of people this week! There are so many wonderful people here in Liberia... 

AND we also had a crazy experience! hahah On wednesday we had an activity in the church but none of our investigators came. We decided we were going to go out in the street and find an escogido... or someone to bring to the activity. We went out to the bus stop and found a guy waiting to go to Caรฑas. We invited him and after much convincing, he came in. it wasnt until after that we realized he was really drunk. hahah he came in and start yelling ´´WHAT DOES MORMON MEAN´´ and making a big scene... He left after about 30 minutes and we were pretty grateful! hahaha then four days later (Saturday) we were visiting people in a place called Peloncito which is about 30 minutes away from the church and the bus stop where we found this guy... when we randomly ran into the same guy again! He was super excited and seemed a little bit more normal now that he wasnt drunk... he excitedly told us he wanted to introduce us to his sister in law because she didnt believe him that four days earlier he had talked to missionaries and walked into the activity.... (I was pretty surprised he even remembered the event because he was pretty drunk lol) so his sister in law just happened to live close by... we met her and made an apointment for yesterday.... yesterday we went and she wasnt there but we ended up finding her husband and ended up teaching him! He told us he almost got baptized about four months ago and who went to church four or five times before... He told us that he really liked the church and the only reason he wasnt baptized was because he was working a lot before... we invited him to be baptized on the 28th of this month and he said he would love to do it.... and thats my crazy long story of how we found a guy who was just waiting for us to find him! It was a bunch of coincidences that arent coincidences! I know Heavenly Father is preparing people little by little ๐Ÿ˜
But it was a good week :D hope you all had a great week as well! Talk to you next week! LES QUIERO! 
Hermana Bass 

1. Sister Training Leaders! This week at leadership council! 
2. Selfie last pday! 
3. HAPPY FOURTH OF JULY [?]๐ŸŽ‰ I put up some decorations in our apartment because this will be my second fourth of july outside of the United States ๐Ÿ˜ญ #´Merica ........ also dont judge my face in this picture... it was taken this morning at 7 am