Tuesday, June 27, 2017

HERMANA BASS OTRA VEZ (Im out of creative titles guys) and AFRICA SAFARI!!!!!

2. Basic missionary pic... I love Costa Rica ❤ 
3. So the other day we were chilling outside of this house teaching a lesson to some teenagers when a whole bunch of monkeys showed up in the trees... for them it was normal but lets just say I was pretty excited about it. 

Okay so it was a good week filled with lots of miracles! And also hard times! haha! You know... the usual!  Do you ever feel like you have a lot of weaknesses? Sometimes I feel that way a lot! But I have been studying in Ether where it says that when we come unto Christ, he shows us our weaknesses. When we get closer and closer to Him, we also become more aware of our own shortcomings. We become aware that we are weak and that we are nothing without Him. HOWEVER it says that if we have faith our weaknesses can become strengths and we have a promise that we can change and become better people. I LOVE THIS MESSAGE WE GET TO SHARE WITH EVERYONE.  
But it was a good week all in all! We had amazing lessons about the Restoration and definitely felt the spirit! Lets just say me and companion love to show everyone we can the new video of Joseph Smith!! Its great and if you havent seen it you can find it at History.lds.org. We also had a great lesson with Darwin and he told us he wants to be baptized in two weeks! I will keep you all posted :) 

Hermana Bass

So today for Pday all of the zones in Guanacaste went to AFRICA MIA!!!! Ahhhh SO FUN!! ANd you are all going to be bombarded with photos!! hahah Dont get annoyed!

THE ZEBRAS!!! Geezo this was the coolest pday I have had :D

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